North Metropolitan Tafe Rooftop
This rooftop location had quickly become a popular venue hosting events such as the Noodle Palace during Perth Fringe Festival. However, the rooftop was leaking! Decades of deterioration of the membrane waterproofing, coupled with the breakdown on various other essential elements of building fabric was leading to a maintenance nightmare and risking the ongoing viability of the roof terrace as a space.
Gresley Abas was engaged by BMW/DTWD to both investigate and resolve, the leak and building integrity issues, as well as undertake an extensive place-making study to investigate the possibility of flow-on benefits from the significant investment in the building’s longevity. This included significant stakeholder engagement to examine the possibilities for this location as a venue and progressive teaching space.
“Gresley Abas was engaged to remediate a large, aging membrane roof terrace whilst optimising the potential of the space as both a venue and a progressive teaching space.”
Ultimately delivered in two stages: 1 being the rectification of waterproofing and 2 being the implementation of flexible event staging, seating and shading structures, planting, feature lighting and servicing – the result is a vibrant, flexible, inspiring space offering much-needed outdoor amenity for students and staff alike, as well as the opportunity for the hosting of public events. Longer term goals include direct physical connection to Museum and Francis Streets and the addition of Food and Beverage outlets.