Claremont Station Precinct
In 2019, following a request from the State Design Review Panel (SDRP), the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage appointed Gresley Abas to undertake an Urban Design Review of the proposed upgrade to Claremont Station.
We were engaged to conduct this Review through a time challenged highly collaborative process with the PTA’s Claremont Station Project Team and other key stakeholders. This process established the context and principles for the station upgrade project and facilitated and ‘brokered’ or negotiated an Urban Design Framework Plan.
The process also revealed a clear consensus between stakeholders on a number of key project design objectives and priorities, which, if addressed through design and delivery, would significantly enhance outcomes.
Many identified opportunities were long-term aspirations for the precinct and fell outside the scope of the current FAL project brief. However, it became clear that this project had the opportunity to shape future precinct planning, and our report identified how important it was that current project work did not preclude, limit or prevent the realisation of these precinct opportunities.
The upgrade of the Claremont Station has subsequently been completed, embedding many of the findings of the Urban Design Review. The outcome significantly improves community access to the station and its urban presence in the Claremont Town Centre with heritage sensitivity.
“Given its age and historic significance, the intricate works were necessary to ensure Perth’s oldest train station building continues to safely service our network and passengers for many more decades to come.”