
Central Park Mandurah

Central Park Development Mandurah

Central Park Development Mandurah

Westcross Projects engaged us as architects, urban designers and sustainability consultants for a 21Ha Mixed Use, TOD (Transit Oriented Design) project adjacent to the new Mandurah Railway Station in 2011.

The client was keen to provide a diversity of housing choices in a mixed-use development, guided by water-sensitive urban design principles, contemporary design approaches and natural vegetation and landform retention strategies.

The integration of consultants was a key component of the scheme’s success. We formulated a briefing and design process where the client and consultant team participated in a pre-design workshop to contribute to and expand the development possibilities around the following:

  • identification of Opportunities and Constraints (including detailed assessments/surveys/investigations);

  • examination of case studies for best practice similar developments; and

  • brainstorming ideas and innovations for a Project Sustainability Matrix.

This process ultimately informed a holistic, innovative brief. We laid down each consultant’s input as a layer over the site plan to ensure a well-researched, robust, concise assessment of the site would form the basis of the design. Our approach was a great success, streamlining the process, reducing the cost, and maximising the value of each specialist’s input for consideration by the others.

Mandurah, Mandjoogoordap, WA

Westcross projects


Urban design Commendation, 2011, AIA (WA chapter)